Painting by John Constable, "Haywain"
I was listening to a sermon by English preacher Thomas Watson (1620—1686) recently and was struck by this statement: A contented Christian carries heaven with him, for is not heaven where we repose in God? (paraphrased) This got me thinking about contentment and heaven.
Being contented at the end of the day does not lie in our circumstances. We could be the smartest, or the prettiest, or the richest, or the healthiest person in the world and yet be discontented. Contentment lies however in knowing that no matter what assails us (and as I grow older, I realize that life sadly does offer up many blows and disappointments) we can turn to someone who can defend us, provide for us, and carry the load for us. Remember when we were little, how we had few worries because our mom and/or dad took care of everything? And when we had a scrape, they would fold us into their arms and bandage the wound with tenderness? My parents are no longer able to offer me that kind of comfort and security but God can and does so with greater power and tenderness. Power and tenderness may be polar opposites, but necessary qualities to offer peace in the midst of difficulties. God folds me tenderly into His arms, covers me securely in His bosom as He powerfully turns life’s blows into songs, allowing my cries to slowly turn to sniffles and eventually to quiet rest. The greater power lies not in fending off sorrow but in turning sorrow into joy. The greater evidence of tenderness is visible not in smooth sailing but turbulent hours of life.
So what is heaven? It is in short a place of rest in God. An atheist would not want to be in heaven for the very presence of God (if there is such a being) would irk him horribly. A self-directed person would also not care to be in heaven for he would rather rule in his own domain and control his own destiny than rest in arms of God.
If heaven is a place where we repose in God, then hell is but a place of restlessness without God.
A person can indeed carry heaven with her, just as she can easily carry hell. Which then are you carrying this day?
Jesus said to his disciples: “I have said these things to you, that in me you may have peace. In the world you will have tribulation. But take heart; I have overcome the world.”
John 16:33
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