'Josephine and Mercie' by Edmund Charles Tarbell |
Micah 6:8
He has told you, O man, what is good; and what does the LORD require of you but to do justice, and to love kindness, and to walk humbly with your God?
This is one of my favorite Scripture verses. I even painted the verse on chairs at my home. As I reflected on it the past few days, it crossed my mind that this relatively short verse could sum up how I should seek to live each day.
There are three basic things listed, easy for my mind to grab hold of as I go about my day-
To do justice/justly
To love mercy/kindness
To walk humbly with my God
As I go about the day doing my work - interacting with people in person, over the phone, online; and even thinking to myself...I can easily remind myself of these three requirements which to me consist of, at the very least, doing all things with integrity, standing up against injustice; showing kindness and mercy, with patience and gentleness; and knowing my status before
my God (not some impersonal God out there but my God, the God who is personal, who created and redeemed me, who knows and loves me, and who is with me wherever I go).
It has helped me to have these three requirements in my head throughout the day. My naturally impatient, self-centered self with a tendency towards rudeness would now pause and think if I am showing kindness in how I speak to the person across from me or on the phone (I'm especially guilty of rudeness here), or if I am true to my word, or if I am being cowardly and selfish by not doing my part in securing hope for the oppressed (not necessarily always on a grand scale but equally crucial in everyday encounters like speaking up for the widow who is being bullied).
But more importantly, the verse reminds me to start each day cognizant of my status before my God, humbly obeying Him in everything and every way as His Spirit leads, not for fear of punishment by some distant oppressive God, but out of love of a personal God who loves me first and is ever present with me. To me, it is like a child holding on tightly to her father with adoration and respect as he leads her with loving authority and impeccable wisdom.
I have failed and will continue to fail as I go about my day, stumbling as I act out in anger or without integrity, or when I treat God and man with contempt, seeking to do things my way. But my God's love is steadfast, He does not give up easily and is gracious to let me see my erring ways,then pulls me back up and set me once again on the journey with Him for another mile, for another day.
Before I end this post, I would like to point out that other than the use of the personal possessive pronoun "your" before "God," the name of God used in this verse "YHWH," translated "I AM WHO I AM" or "I AM" ("the LORD" in English Bibles) was first revealed to the Israelites during the Exodus. God told Moses to tell the people before they set out that it's "I AM" who had sent him to lead them out of Egypt (Exodus 3:14). Up to this point, God's chosen people, including the Patriarchs, knew God only by titles. YHWH is the first personal proper name that God revealed of Himself. It is this YHWH, this personal God who redeemed His people from the bondage of the Egyptians and who was with them every step of the way to the promised land. It is YHWH (the LORD) who saved His people and overthrew all who opposed Him.
It is the same God, revealed now in the fullness of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit that is leading me to live my days to do justice, to love mercy and to live humbly before my God.