Recently, a family member said she wonders if my mother's life is worth living. My mother is in her mid-80's, strickened with several ailments. She has limited mobility and a failing eyesight. There also appears to be an onset of dementia. Is her life worth living?
Photography by A. Monaco
I looked at that family member. She is at the prime of her life, active, with a mind like a steel trap. She is extremely motivated, traveling the world chasing after the almighty dollar. Is her wealthy life, I ask, worth living?
I was at the hairdresser a couple of days ago. I sat next to a woman who came in huffing and puffing. She said she was so busy. The hairdresser asked her what she was so busy about? She said she's busy shopping. Is such a busy life worth living?
The doctors I met at the hospital were brilliant with their diagnosis but lacking in compassion. Are their brilliant lives worth living?
A young professional at a table next to mine at a cafe talked about his weekend of hard partying, of getting wasted and having gratuitious sex. Is his ambitious life worth living?
The woman behind me on the plane boasted about her many accomplishments and derided just about everybody she knew. Is her accomplished life worth living?
What determines a life worth living? Who determines a life worth living?
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